Do you have more than one script for the same talent? Please put them all in the same order. Even if they are for different advertisers. You can adjust the number of scripts       ——————->


Click on the information links below

Click here for A.I. vo tips & FYIs


For our human voices, underlined words or bold text will not be visible on our end. We suggest using capital letters or attaching your script with bold text on any words you want emphasized as the order form may reformat when we receive the order. Also any breaks in the script will not format with breaks in the script field & you may want to attach your script. Please include proper punctuation. (AI tips link above)


If your script is open ended on read time, please do not put in a time as the results may not be what you want. Simply put “no time to be concerned with” in the total read time field. The read time is based on how much time the talent has, not the length of your project.


Always include a previous read if you would like the talent to match a previous read they did. Due to the volume of bookings we do, we tend to forget the style of a read we have done in the past. If this is a new read, the best direction is to ask the talent to replicate a specific clip you heard in their demo reel when you place the order. Bookings without read directions or very vague read directions will be billed again for rereads. For A.I. vo tips, click on the link above.


Scripts are read as written. Please don’t abbreviate words (such as a state) if you don’t want them read the way it’s shown on the script. Some words are preferred to be read as abbreviations. If that is the case, please abbreviate the word.


Please include audio files with pronunciations on uncommon words we may not be familiar with. Even if we have read this word in the past.


Check your copy before sending. Make sure it includes proper punctuation & all of the words are spelled correctly. We are not responsible for script errors & new reads will be billed out.


Credit card users, please see updated terms on the FAQ page 

Scripts have an 800 word (max) limit for human talents & 165 word (max) limit for A.I. voices

We will be closed 2/24 – 2/28. Please plan accordingly

IMPORTANT: Please review the notes on the left side of the order form BEFORE you place your order. This is to help avoid confusion and unexpected billing.

  • Talent turn around times based on voiced spots up to :60. Longer reads, full production, or multiple scripts may take longer.

You must be a current client to book a talent. Not a client? Click here first.

We bill out per talent and per tag / spot / script. You can place up to 15 separate bookings in this order but each booking is billed separately.

Please attach one commercial, tag, or narrative per script below


Please only use the email address associated with your account
Please fill out all of the fields below. After you hit the "submit" button at the bottom, please wait for the page confirming your order has been sent. Otherwise it will not send.

Check your copy before sending.
We are not responsible for script errors.

Please allow a few seconds for your order to get sent to us after hitting the submit button. Please do not close your window until you get the "thank you page"

Click here if you aren't seeing the confirmation page

If you are attaching audio files, the website response will be slower. It could take up to :60 seconds before you get the confirmation page. Do not close your browser or hit the submit button more than once if you see your curser working. If you don’t receive the confirmation page after :60 seconds, please try again with smaller audio files.